wicketPro Statement wicketPro
A SRCube Product

How It Works

SRCube's wicketPro SaaS Platform is the ideal platform to secure your contracts that comprises of value based work items.

The cloud-based SaaS platform consolidates Contract/Project development, Resource allocation, Project Management and Escrow payments, in a simple to use work-flow.

At a high level, a Work Item traverses through multiple stages, as part of its life cycle.

Life Cycle of Work Item

Life Cycte of Work Item
The Work Item contents can continue to be negotiated/modified until the Work Item reached in the "In Progress" stage. However, transition to "In Progress" can only be accomplished if it's Escrow Value has been funded by either the Task Owner or "Assigned User".

Upon completion, the Work Item is review by both Client and Service Provider.

The Work Item is paid to the Service Provider if the review is completed or if the Client does not approve within a stipulated time frame.

If the client does not approve the work done, both parties can re-negotiate, with the assistance of an Arbitrator, should it be required.

Should no negotiable solution be found, the Work Item is Closed, without any payment to the Service Provider.

Work Items

A Work Item describes a task. At a minimum, each task shall have a Title, Summary, Detailed Description, Start Date, End Date.
A task can be classified with 6 customizable Headings. These Heading, are based upon the users type of business and method of categorizations.
As an example:
  • Heading 1 = Project
  • Heading 2 = Task
  • Heading 3 = Parts
  • Heading 4 = Labour
  • Heading 5 = 3rd Party Sub-Contract
  • Heading 6 = Notes
A task can be a "child" task of another task. As such, tasks can be nested as follows:
Project 1
|-->Task 1
| |-->Parts 1.1
| |-->Labour 1.2
|-->Task 2
| |-->Task 2.1
| |-->Task 2.2
| | |-->Parts 2.2.1
| | |-->Labour 2.2.2
|-->Task 3
| |-->Task 3.1
|-->Task 4
| |-->Notes 4.1
| |-->Task 4.2
The platform allows for individual tasks to have documents uploaded, to assist with detailed specification of the work item.

Lastly, for escrow services, each task can have an associated value. This feature is only used if the associated task, defines work actionable by Service Provider(s).

Each task can be assigned to a Service Provider, located in the users Contact List.

Platform features

Transfer of funds

Relations ship between funds and Work Items

How It Works

Contact List

The user, if part of an Enterprise Licensing account, will have all other Enterprise Users in their Contact List, by default.

If a Service Provider wants to be added to a users account, they must generate a unique ContactID key, which is valid of a fixed amount of time.

This key is provided to the user. The user will simply use the unique ContactID key, to add the Service Provider to their Contact List.

wicketPro Escrow Account

Each Client will have a wicketPro Account. This account is funded by the Client via a Payment Processor or by transferring the funds to SRCube Corp., via cheques or Online Banking.

The funds in this account can allocated to Work Items, should the Work Item be used to define work action by a Service Provider.

It is important to note that escrow fund payments/transfers can only be done between users in the same country.

Report Generation

4 "Print Formats" are available. Each option is customizable in terms of which of the 6 Headings are to be displayed.

Additionally, for each of the 5 Headings, the user can customize what details of the Work Item, is to be displayed.

3 of the Print Options can be used to generate a PDF document. The 4th option generates a CSV file for importing into a spreadsheet, for analysis and external tracking.