Project Management Platform
A Software As A Service (SaaS) platform that facilitates the creation of workflow items that define a contracts.
- A task can be viewed as action item (AI). An AI can describe:
- Category/Heading/Summary
- Detailed information(s) pertaining to AI. Costing for AI can be recorded, should it be needed.
- Tasks can be nested to allow for grouping of tasks.
- Each task will have an associated Start Date and End Date.
- Each task has the ability to store files (PDF, XLS, Image FIles, etc.) that is required for facilitate describing the task in detail.
Easy to view graphs are provided to assist in task scheduling and provide a view for cashflow analysis.
A report generation utility, with pre-defined and custom templates, are provided to print out the contract's details. Pre-defined templates supports header/footer customization of icons, etc..
Contract Negotiation
Each task has a tracked workflow status, starting from task creation to task bidding, to task negotiation, task payment and task completion and finally to task closure.
The task owner can be either the Client or Service Provider. The task owner can either
- Assign a task to a known client or service provider vendor(in the User's Contact List)or
Task Owner can assign assignee, based upon their Reputation Score, to their task.
The Assignee must be registered within the platform and added to the User's Contact List of approved assignees (Clients/Vendors).
- Issue a Request for Proposal/Quote (RFP/RFQ) to a specified category of Service Providers, in the same country.
Selected Bidders/Vendors must be added to the User's Contact list, to be assigned to the task(s).
Both parties can review the work item(s) and negotiate the details and/or costs. Once finalized, each work item(s) are assigned the
correct detailed task description with associated value and schedules.
An Assignee can only view the work items that they are assigned too. Prior negotiations will involve the task owner generating a
PDF report to perform the negotiation.
Once the assignee is selected, the vendor is officially "assigned" the task and negotiations are complete.
Information for each User in the platform, includes individual Task Score and Number of Tasks Completed.
The Task Score is based upon quantitative metric for each task issued/performed based if the User was a Client or Service Provider.
Once a Client/Service Provider is added to the User's Contact List, the Reputation Score of that Client/Service Provider becomes available to the User.
When assigning the task, the task owner must manually select the Assignee, based upon their desired Reputation Score needs.
Escrow Payment Insurance
Any tasks, to move to an execution stage, by a Service Provider, can only occur once its
costings have been deposited into an escrow account.
Service Providers are provided peace of mind knowing that any task completed, will
be paid, assuming Client approves the task completion deliverables.
If not approved, in a timely fashion, due to Client's un-willingness to communicate/negotiate/arbitrate, the platform
will simply pay the Service Provider
Service providers no longer have to spend time and resource's chasing clients for services
rendered and not longer have to manage cash flow due to 30/60 day payment terms.
Arbitration Settlement
Should a task items completion deliverable be contested between Client and Service Provider, SRCube can provide 3rd Party
Arbitration services.
The Arbitration judgement will be based upon comparing the rendered deliverable, to what is stipulated in the contract.
The more details placed into the contract task (Drawing, Art Renderings, Parts to be Used, etc.) will ensure proper evaluation during the arbitration process.